
How to get the Shedu in Warframe

Warframe features a ton of customization options and countless pieces of gear to mix and match. From eponymous armor sets to endless cosmetic options and powerful weapons, players are free to craft their perfect build.

Weapons in the game fall into a few categories, including melee, throwing and firearms. Some of the strongest weapons are ripped from the bodies of enemies, much like Mega Man. One such weapon is the Shedu, an explosive arm cannon ripped from the arm of a Sentient that consistently delivers massive damage.

Building the Shedu in Warframe

Warframe players are likely used to the game's extensive collection requirements to gain anything worthwhile. Like most items in the game, the Shedu must be gradually pieced together through a lot of work and luck.

The first item players will need is the Shedu Blueprint, which is required to seek out the gun's parts. This blueprint is given to the player after the completion of the Errra main quest.

After the completion of that brief flashback encounter, players are free to start seeking out separate parts. They can also buy the blueprint for 100,000 Standing from Cephalon Simaris.

Getting the blueprint is the easy part, as each of the gun's four parts are extremely rare drops. The Handle, Barrel, Receiver and Gun Chassis can only be acquired from specific enemies in very rare cases.

Symbilysts are the only enemies who can drop the four parts of the Shedu. These large Sentients wield a laser cannon on one arm and a massive shield on the other.

Players can only find the Symbilysts on Murex when it appears in the Veil Proxima during Empyrean missions. The Murex is a sentient spaceship that moves between nodes for thirty minutes at a time, making it very tough to find.

The area where the Murex rests is marked with a red sentient symbol on the map. Rush there whenever possible to hunt down the Symbilysts. They can also be found on Earth during Operation: Scarlet Spear and Operation: Orphix Venom.

Each of the four parts has only a 1% chance of dropping from each slain Symbilyst. Even worse, there's no guarantee that Symbilysts won't drop the same piece more than once. This means that players could have to slaughter hundreds of these very specific enemies to pick up the pieces.

Thankfully, Warframe players are free to trade parts with each other to get what they need. Some unlucky players could end up with several Handles and no Receiver, so trading could fix that issue.

Once the player has all four parts, they just need to combine them with 30,000 Credits to manufacture the gun. The process will take 24 hours, but at the end of all of that struggle, they will have the Shedu.

Warframe players are used to a lot of grinding, but the Shedu will take a miraculous amount of luck to earn. Just stay hard at work slaughtering Symbilysts and trading where necessary. Eventually, players will have the Shedu in their hands.

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Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-05-26